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Temptation to Spectacular
Amy Oden Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Hebrews 13:1-8 Where did we get the idea that God only deals in the spectacular? That...
Gut Punch
Abbey of the Arts "Monk in the World" Guest Post Amy Oden It hit me first in my stomach, a gut punch I was not braced for: news that I...
Amy Oden Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog “. . . turn your lives around and become like this little child” (Matthew 18:3) I...
God's Throughline
Amy Oden September 2023 Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Deuteronomy 26:1-9 When we talk about stewardship or finance campaigns,...
Broken-Open-Heartedness commentary for preachers on Isaiah 5:1-7 Amy Oden Isaiah tells of a beloved vineyard, lovingly tended yet gone...
The Most True Thing
Amy Oden Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Matthew 3:13-17 Jesus’ own baptism sets the pattern for all of us. The Spirit...
Scarcity and Imagination
Amy Oden for Working Commentary for Preachers on Isaiah 51:1-6 These verses from Isaiah are packed as they celebrate what...
Amy Oden for Commentary for Preachers on Isaiah 58: 1, 6-8 Preaching this Isaiah text could take several tacks. Be...
Growing Deeper
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Isaiah 58:5-10 Amy Oden I teach spiritual formation in a variety of...
Put-off by God's Will
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Amy Oden I’m in a season now when I feel lost in a fog. One season of my life has ended with my...
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