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Connecting the Dots
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Amos 5: 21-25 21 I hate, I reject your festivals; I don’t enjoy your joyous assemblies. 22 If...
Focus Our Thoughts
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Philippians 4:8-9: 8 From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if anything...
Coming Home
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Acts 1-2 It happened on the subway platform in Moscow. I’d been there for weeks and I don’t...
Ecosystem of Resilience
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Acts 14: 11-22 I’ve been pondering resilience a lot lately. I’m in one of the most difficult...
Jesus, Protest and Repentance
June 12 Insights Blog, Church of the Resurrection Matthew 4: 17 From that time Jesus began to announce, “Change your hearts and lives!...
Depth Dimension of Now
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, 16-18 What has sustained you in the most difficult seasons or events of...
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Luke 24:33-43 In eating, Jesus invites me to live more honestly in my own creatureliness, not as...
Invitation to Nourishment
Insights Blog Church of the Resurrection Luke 8:4-15 As I write this week, we are all re-thinking our individual and collective lives in...
Insights Blog for Church of the Resurrection 2.19.20 Mark 10:13-16 GPS series this week looks at Jesus’ kindness as an irresistible...
The Jesus Way of Being Human
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog Matthew 15: 22-29 (scroll down for scripture text) In this story Jesus says some pretty shocking...
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