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Being Soil

Amy Oden

Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog

There are 2 key moments in the account of creation in Genesis 2:4-25 that shape my understanding of myself and the world, which is what scripture is meant to do. These key moments that tell me who I am (and who we are) as a human being and beloved of God.  

The first moment is when God forms the first human being from the soil (Gen 2:7). Being made of soil means we humans are not separate from earth or the rest of creation, not something dropped out of the sky, but a species formed from the very ground we walk on. The soil itself (humus) reminds us of our earthiness (human). When I forget I am made of soil, then I forget that I’m a creature and I’m more likely to forget I (and others) have needs that must be met in order to flourish. I’m more likely to treat myself (and others) as a machine that should keep going no matter what, because machines don’t need food, rest, fellowship with others or delight. When I forget I’m from the soil, I forget that I’m not self-made nor self-sufficient, but a being created by God. I start to think I have made everything in my life happen through my wits and skills alone. Being a creature formed from the soil means recognizing my Creator, not me, as the Source of my life. The Genesis account of creation calls me to remember again and again my earthiness and the One who made me.


The second key moment for me is God breathing “life’s breath” into the first human being (Gen 2:7).  God breathes life into humans, animating our bones and sinews. This picture of God as not only Maker but also Breather, helps me see my life as something God is breathing through, breathing  me (and all creation) to life. I am not the Source of my own breath, I don’t earn it, I don’t check it off a to-do list. I can neither make my breath happen nor stop it from happening. Every, single breath I take is God’s doing and is sheer gift, a rhythm of grace opening up my chest approximately 20,000 to 22,000 times a day! Each breath is a new moment of astonishment!


I spent the first 40 years or so of my life baffled about prayer, what it is, how to do it, why it matters. Now, breathing itself is my prayer. When I bring my awareness to my breath, acknowledging the Source of life breathing through me, breathing is an act of awe and worship, a practice of astonishment and gratitude that I am here at all.


Today, let’s be earthy and breathe. This is our prayer unceasing!



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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma



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