Spiritual Terrorism
Church of the Resurrection Insights Blog
Amy Oden
What can we say about vocal Christians who claim to speak for all Christians or who claim to have the right to total political power or who Christian superiority?
There’s a lot we can say clearly and strongly: Claims to superiority and power are not Christian. These claims are not based in Scripture, not based on Jesus’ life or teaching and not founded on the gospel message of good news (Luke 4:1-20). Christian Nationalists put their trust in their own power rather than in God. Christians who claim superiority or the right to power tarnish the name of Love. Christians who try to force their religious beliefs onto others do spiritual violence, a kind of spiritual terrorism that keeps people in fear more than in love. This is not the Jesus Way of healing and love. This is not biblical Christianity that evidences spiritual fruits.
Most helpful for me, however, is to turn to the biblical way to unmask false Christianity: look for the fruits of the Spirit. These are our best guideposts, according to Scripture, for following the Jesus Way (Galatians 5:22-25). Scripture says to determine the legitimacy and authority of a faith witness, simply look for: patience, love, peace, gentleness, kindness, self-controlled, joy, faith. The fruits of the Spirit are the only trustworthy markers, more than doctrinal stance or political platform, that a movement is within God’s purposes for the world. Scripture also calls out the characteristics that are not of the Kingdom of God: discord, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions (Galatians 5:20-21).
When Christians try to wield power over others, we must ask: Do their lives bear witness to the evidence of God’s work among them, the Kingdom Life of joy, patience, gentleness and kindness through their words, actions, ways of life? If not, or if they bear only selfish ambition and discord, then it is not a Christian witness.
My concern about these strident Christian voices is that, by seeking control and refusing to submit themselves to the Lord of Love, they damage the gospel of Jesus Christ, turning religion into a competition to prove who is right. And, of course, I must turn the spotlight on myself as well: do I squander the gift of this astonishing, brilliant gift of True Life by flexing muscles with spiritual preening and self-righteousness?
Let’s keep our eye on the places God is pouring forth love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, patience, self-control and faith. Let’s give our lives to the Way of Christ.
Today I pray: Jesus, show us Your Way. Order our steps to bear your kin-dom fruit of patience, gentleness, love and kindness, especially for those with whom we disagree.